Avis de décès - Magog et environs

M. Douglas McKinnell

M. Douglas McKinnell


À l'Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke, est décédé le 16 décembre 2020, M. Douglas McKinnell à l'âge de 86 ans. Il était l'époux de Mme Nicole Cloutier et demeurait à Sherbrooke.

Afin de respecter les mesures sanitaires exigées par la Santé Publique, une cérémonie d'adieu privée se tiendra en présence de ses proches seulement. La cérémonie sera diffusée en direct le samedi 1 mai à 15h via le site web

Il laisse dans le deuil, outre son épouse Nicole, sa fille: Carolyn (Jonathan Coates-Judge). Ses petits rayons de soleil: Xavier, Sage et Connor. Ses fils de Vancouver: Keith et feu Kevin. Ses beaux-frères et belles-soeurs: Claude (Lisette), Francine (feu Pierre), Jacques (Claudette), Guy, Luc (Sylvie), Robert (Colette), Gilles (Micheline), Yves ainsi que neveux et nièces, autres parents et amis.

La famille désire remercier le Dr. Pavel Pertchenko ainsi que le personnel des soins palliatifs de l'Hôtel-Dieu pour les bons soins prodigués.

En guise de sympathie, des dons à L'Envolée (l'équipe de bénévoles en soins palliatifs CSSS Magog) ou au soins palliatifs du CHUS-Hôtel-Dieu seraient appréciés. 

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Douglas McKinnell at the Hotel-Dieu hospital, on December 16th 2020 at the age of 86.
He leaves to mourn his wife: Nicole Cloutier. His daughter: Carolyn (Jonathan Coates-Judge). His little rays of light: Xavier, Sage and Connor. His sons from Vancouver: Keith and the late Kevin. His brothers and sisters-in-law: Claude (Lisette), Francine (feu Pierre), Jacques (Claudette), Guy, Luc (Sylvie), Robert (Colette), Gilles (Micheline), Yves as well as many nieces, nephews and friends.
A private farewell ceremony will be held in the presence of relatives only. The ceremony will be broadcast live on Saturday May 1 at 3 p.m. via the website

The family would like to thank Dr. Pavel Pertchenko as well as the palliative care staff at the Hotel-Dieu hospital for the wonderful care.

In lieu of flowers, donations to L'Envolée (a team of palliative care volunteers at the CSSS Magog) or to the palliative care unit at the Hotel-Dieu hospital would be appreciated.

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29/04/2021 11:20
Nicole I miss Doug and you so much all the great memories..Campfires, Happy hours, Cardgames and may wonderful dinners and outings..You are in my thoughts and prayers..Lol Lynda
Lynda Laskey
29/04/2021 11:06
Nicole I will miss Doug so much.. We played cards, had great dinners and outings..He made a great camp fire..WE missed you both when you moved to Quebec..Take care of yourself and we will talk soon. Lol Lynda
Sylvie et Luc
28/04/2021 18:23
Nos sympathies ma soeur ainsi qu’à ta famille. Saches que Doug (l’ours) va demeurer dans nos pensées pour toujours.
Sylvie et Luc
Diane Lacombe
27/04/2021 19:08
Jean Pierre et moi,sommes avec toi en pensées,Doug est maintenant libre de souffrances ,il sera toujours près de toi pour te couvrir de son amour et de son affection.Sois courageuse mon amie tu fut une très bonne compagne et il le savait .Prends soin de toi maintenant, lui il repose en paix.
Diane Lecour
06/02/2021 10:25
Nicole just read of Doug’s passing. Larry and I send you our deepest sympathies. When I was young I visited Sherbrooke many times. Had lots of family there. Love Quebec.
Danielle Roy
20/01/2021 9:02
Chère cousine,

Tant d'années ont passé depuis notre dernière rencontre. Mais je ne t'oublie pas. La perte de notre partenaire de vie est une épreuve difficile. Sache que mes pensées t'accompagnent et je t'offre mes plus sincères sympathies à toi et ta fille Carolyne.

Eugene et Rita Roy
03/01/2021 12:11
Toutes nos sympathies Nicole et ta famille , nos meilleurs pensees .
Danielle Lecours
30/12/2020 15:13
Toutes mes sympathies chère Nicole toi et ta famille.
Danielle Lecours
30/12/2020 15:12
Toutes mes sympathies chère Nicole toi et ta famille.
Deanna Payne
24/12/2020 21:24
Dear Nicole and Carolyn... my friends the memories we have.. Doug so loved Bayfield, our bon fires, happy hours, just the all around good times.
Keep them close and smile, you know he would want that.... No more pain and suffering, he is at peace.
We here, your friends in Ontario will forever keep him in our thoughts, as we keep you and the family.
Love and hugs .. Dee xx
Don Cruickshank
23/12/2020 16:06
So sad the hear of Doug's passing. As one of the "originals" at Petrosar, I had the privilege of working for Doug for many years. He was one of the best supervisors and you were fortunate to be on his shift. He was easy going but always committed to get the job done and contributed greatly to the success of the company. My condolences to Nicole and the rest of his family as we all grieve his passing but celebrate his life. RIP Doug.
Jennifer Musselman
23/12/2020 8:31
Sad to see the passing of Doug, I know he will be greatly missed by all who were blessed to know him. Peace to you Nicole and all of your family. The Musselman’s
Vicki Donohue
22/12/2020 20:37
Nicole and family, my sincere condolences, I wish you peace and love.
Diane Pankratz (Cloutier)
22/12/2020 20:08
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your husband. When I am next in Montreal, hopefully next summer if Covid is behind us, maybe we can get together and catch up, it’s been too long. Love Diane
Donna & Gernot Dauber
22/12/2020 18:45
To Nicole, our friend, we send our deepest condolences. Working with Doug at Petrosar back in the 70's brought us to where we are today, very good friends. Gernot and I have so many fond memories of times spent with you both, in Sarnia, in Bayfield and thankfully connected via email and phone calls since you moved to Quebec. I am so happy that I was able to talk to Doug just recently and the number of "happy hours" we spent over the phone together, memories to last a lifetime. Nicole, our hearts go out to you and Carolyn and to her family. I know Doug adored his grandchildren, you could hear him tearing up whenever he spoke of them and there was so much pride just talking about their relationships. He was one of the nicest persons we've known and always very positive. Treasure all the memories you each have and hopefully those memories will help you through the days ahead. Sending our love as always, Donna & Gernot
Jacques Cloutier
22/12/2020 17:59
Toutes nos sympathies chère soeur.
Doug nous manquera à nous aussi.
Claudette Raymond et Jacques Cloutier
Carole Mckay
22/12/2020 17:41
Prayers for the soul of Douglas McKinnell..
Best wishes to Nicole and all of Dougs loved ones. Doug is in a good place now free from pain and anxiety. May he rest in peace with the Lord.

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