Avis de décès - Magog et environs

M. Michael Whittier

M. Michael Whittier


In Magog on December the 22nd, Michael Whittier passed away at the age of 58.

He was the beloved father of Jake and Kristen, the son of the late Kenneth Whittier and Camille Boisvert (Luigi Gastaldello), the brother of Debbie and the late Natalie. Also leaving to mourn many dear friends.

A celebration of life will be held Sunday January 6th 2019 from 12pm - 5 pm at the Georgeville Murray Memorial Centre (4680, chemin de Georgeville, J0B 1T0)

A burial and intimate ceremony will take place in the spring for both Michael and his sister Natalie.


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Danye Brochu
06/01/2019 14:18
When he was working at PEES, Mike was always very nice and liked to chat with the teachers and other staff members. My sincere condolences to the family. Rest in peace Mike.
Nicole Grégoire
05/01/2019 10:08
I was so shocked to hear the sad news. I worked with Mike for so many years in North Hatley. He was proud of our students and our school. He loved chatting and listening to the staff's and children's stories. His kind and gentle nature was appreciated by everyone. My deepest condolences to his family. He often talked to me about you with pride and joy.
Nancy Bryant
02/01/2019 13:59
I shall miss our frequent chit-chats on Langlois Street where you walked faithfully every evening. As in the movie "The Lion King" you can now sing "Hakuna Matata" which means "no worries" Mike. You have touched so many peoples' lives in such a caring, unconditional mannerism of friendship and love. The "Circle of Life" !
Claire Beaubien
01/01/2019 23:10
I met Mike when I started as principal at North Hatley Elementary School. He was so proud of his school and spent a great deal 'shining' it up before the start of the school year. But never as proud as talking about his children: un père tellement fier d'eux. He would always take time and chat with the staff and mostly with the students, Many enjoyed working with him. He left his mark and will always be remembered. RIP dear Mike.
31/12/2018 21:46
Kristen and Jake, you are in my thoughts. My sincere sympathies. Much love.
Louise Gendron
31/12/2018 17:40
My sympathies to Jake, Kristen, Camille and Luigi. Mike was a part of my life for more that 50 years. He was a wonderful friend, and genuinely wonderful person. He was always there for me and I was always there for him. I will miss our visits, our phone conversations and the big bear hugs. Mike touched my life and that of my family, gone but never will we forget xo
Claire Beaubien
31/12/2018 15:12
I met Mike when I started as principal at North Hatley Elementary School. He was so proud of his school and spent a great deal 'shining' it up before the start of the school year. But never as proud as talking about his children: un père tellement fier d'eux. He would always take time and chat with the staff and mostly the students, Many enjoyed working with him. He left his mark and will always be remembered. RIP dear Mike.
Helmut Obermeir
29/12/2018 15:18
Mike was easily one of the most genuinely kindhearted men I have ever known. I haven't seen Mike very often over the last years, but one thing was consistent each time we saw each other: his love and pride for Jake and Kristen. Be strong in knowing that the hands that raised you up were those of a most loving, sensitive and caring soul. Wishing the whole family strength and courage after a difficult year. With great love and respect.
Rachel Hostetler
29/12/2018 12:35
I am deeply saddened by the passing of such a kind gentle man. I had the privilege of working with him for 5 years at North Hatley elementary school. He always made time to come and chat with me. He was such a caring man, he will be greatly missed. My sincere condolences to the family. Rachel
Mary Partington
29/12/2018 11:12
So sad and shocked to hear about Mike. For many years Mike helped me with my place and I so much appreciated it. When we worked together Mike would tell me about his family and how much he loved Jake and Kristen. This past summer he was telling me how he had plans to retire in 2 years and would be able to come and help me. He had such plans. So sad they will not come true.
André Boisvert
29/12/2018 10:33
Mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille !
Christine Rousseau
29/12/2018 0:51
I was shocked when I read this. My sympathies to his family. Even though we never worked directly together, we were still both part of the E.T.S.B. maintenance team many years ago. Gone too young. May you rest in peace.
Ginette Choquette
28/12/2018 17:28
Jake, Kristen, Camille et Luigi mes sincères condoléances. La photo de Michael est fidèle à sa belle humeur. Cependant c’est un peu trop pour quitter notre monde.
Pauline et Dolfino
28/12/2018 14:34
À nos chers amis Camille et Luigi et à toute la famille dont Jake et Kristen, nos cordiales sympathies . Nous n’avons pas connu Michael, mais nous sommes touchés par son départ sachant qu’il était le fils bien- aimé de Camille. Nos pensées et nos prières vous accompagnent en ces moments de tristesse.
28/12/2018 12:32
I only met Mike once but he was a Very Nice Man. My sympathies to all that care for him. R.I.P
Wanda Cox
28/12/2018 11:46
My deepest sympathies to Mike's family. I didn't know Mike well or for a long time, but what I did know is that he was always kind, good-hearted and always willing to help anyone. RIP Mike, you will be missed.
lorrie wheeler
28/12/2018 11:37
Mike, you were such a good man. Going to miss the talks we had in the W. E. S halls. The children will also miss you. I know you had not been feeling well for a couple of months. May you rest in peace. Will always remember you, Special Man.
lorrie wheeler
28/12/2018 11:34
Mike, you were such a good man. Going to miss the talks we had in the W. E. S halls. The children will also miss you. I know you had not been feeling well for a couple of months. May you rest in peace. Will always remember you, Special Man.
sandra Rolbin
28/12/2018 11:14
Sandra Rolbin

I've known Michael for several years. We met at PEES in Magog when I was teaching there. We talked often and Michael was always eager to chat and share a variety of stories. He was a warm and kind man, who always seemed to be in a good mood. He would talk to the students all the time at recess or after school and everyone enjoyed his company. When hearing the sad news of his demise, I was shocked and truly depressed that someone still so full of life, so proud of his children, his mother and his sister, had passed. I met him several months ago; he was happy and full of future plans. Alas, time to say goodbye, Mike. RIP. You will be sorely missed.
Lucie boisvert
27/12/2018 22:21
Chère cousine,
Je suis toute bouleversée d'apprendre le décès de Michael.Je pensais justement à lui dernièrement.Je garderai le souvenir de son beau sourire. Je pense à toi très fort,.Que le Seigneur vienne t'entourer de son amour et de sa tendresse.

Louise Caron
27/12/2018 18:16
My deepest sympathy to you Camille and to everyone in your family. In reading the many messages written about your son it is clear to see how well he loved and was loved.
Chris Buzzell
27/12/2018 17:36
loved by so many...it is sad news to lose such a good man and friend so suddenly..he will be dearly missed by all who knew him
Mike Bouvier
27/12/2018 17:28
Mike have meant so much to me in the last two years. He was a kind, consider, lovingly, and respectful.
I really took a liking to Mike. He have helped me greatly. I'm very sad today. I now have to
say good bye with my sadden heart. My hearts goes out to you my friend. Thank you so much for
being that special friend to me. You're in my thoughts; even though, you're no longer with us. I miss you dearly.
With love always,

27/12/2018 16:24
Well I was so shocked and so sad about the news of his passing. MIke had a wonderful smile and I loved hearing him tell stories,He made you feel good about yourself as he had a way for that .I will miss him even if I knew him 3-4 years Will miss our breakfasts and coffee get togethers It was so easy to enjoy his company .God bless you Mike Whittier You left here way too soon but please look down and look after your family especially your mom and sister and Jake and Kristen and all of your loved ones and relatives and friends R.I.P
Ann Buzzell
27/12/2018 15:59
Mike was the best man ever. He will never be forgotten. Kind and gentle. Love you Mike
Louise Lachance
27/12/2018 15:41
Chère petite-cousine Camille et famille,

Que la douce empreinte des beaux souvenirs et des beaux moments vécus avec Michael,vous donnent force et courage pour traverser cette dure épreuve.Il est difficile de trouver les bons mots de réconfort, mais je vous offre mes plus sincères condoléances,

Affectueusement et sincèrement,
Louise ( Lachance)
Gregory Sayer
27/12/2018 15:29
Dearest Mike,
You have left us too early damn it! In our hearts, our thoughts and in our prayers, I know you will be there. In the stories we share, your name will be spoken.
May you rest in peace.
Krista Fidler
27/12/2018 15:18
It is with a sad heart that we say our goodbyes to Mike. He was a dear friend with a smile that was contagious and a great love of life. He will be missed dearly.

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